Sunday, September 13, 2009

About what I was going to do and ended up doing instead...

Okay, so I was going to write a book with the above named title, but now I've decided that a blog might actually get written before all of the funny stuff in my life is gone i.e. the children. My life used to be much more confusing than it is now, but I still wanted to try to chronicle the adventures of being a single mom with 5 children even though 2 of my children are grown and gone and back and gone again.

As the title insinuates, things around my house are a bit disorganized and just doing everyday things, like trying to find matching socks, can be an adventure around here. Maybe it's not as crazy as a few years ago, but it's still interesting. So, this is not a blog about how to do everything better or how to be more efficient or more prepared. It's about being okay with not being perfect. It's about accepting ourselves with all of our imperfections and laughing about it or crying...whatever fits the moment.

At the moment, I'm crying while I watch the VMA awards tribute to Michael Jackson and my laundry lays at the bottom of my bed needing to be done so I have clothes to wear to work tomorrow and my salad ingredients lay in the fridge in their separate little bags waiting to be cut up and put together so I can have healthy lunches for the week because I have some major pounds to lose. The salad probably won't get made because I'm tired from making dinner. I'll make it tomorrow (right?). Well, I'm off to bed for tonight but I'll get back with you soon!

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